Saturday, August 21, 2010

Health Effects of Childhood Obesity

According to latest statistics, nearly sixteen p.c of youngsters and teenagers between the ages of vi and nineteen are overweight. Childhood obesity is quick turning into an outbreak and if we tend to do nothing to prevent it, kids can have several weight-related health issues that are sometimes gift in adults.

Fast Food and Childhood Obesity

Due to the busy lifestyles of 2 income households, the demand for fast and simple microwaveable food, quick food and snack foods have increased drastically. it's estimated that twenty two million of the world's youngsters below five are overweight or obese and approximately one in four yankee youngsters are overweight.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

High Cholesterol and Childhood Obesity

There is a plague of obesity affecting our kids. Concern is thus high that faculties are changing lunch menus also as obtaining rid of candy and soda machines. the govt. is functioning to teach families concerning high cholesterol and youngsters by encouraging healthy diets and exercise.